Eco Tips Blog

Finding the Right Reusable Paper Towels for Your Household
In this post, we'll discuss what reusable paper towels are, their pros and cons, key considerations when choosing them, including choosing between different materials.
Finding the Right Reusable Paper Towels for Your Household
In this post, we'll discuss what reusable paper towels are, their pros and cons, key considerations when choosing them, including choosing between different materials.

Why You Should Make the Switch to Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
Discover the benefits of eco-friendly solid shampoo and conditioner bars in this post. We'll discuss their advantages over traditional liquid products and offer tips for making the switch.
Why You Should Make the Switch to Shampoo and Conditioner Bars
Discover the benefits of eco-friendly solid shampoo and conditioner bars in this post. We'll discuss their advantages over traditional liquid products and offer tips for making the switch.

Refreshing Your Beeswax Wraps: A Step-by-Step Guide
To ensure your wraps continue to work properly, it's important to refresh them every few months, or as needed. In this blog post, we'll show you how to refresh your beeswax wraps.
Refreshing Your Beeswax Wraps: A Step-by-Step Guide
To ensure your wraps continue to work properly, it's important to refresh them every few months, or as needed. In this blog post, we'll show you how to refresh your beeswax wraps.

Swedish Dishcloths: The Eco-Friendly Cleaning Powerhouse
This blog post is all about Swedish dishcloths - their history, benefits, and how to use and care for them. We'll cover everything from their eco-friendliness to their durability, and show they are essential for your home.
Swedish Dishcloths: The Eco-Friendly Cleaning Powerhouse
This blog post is all about Swedish dishcloths - their history, benefits, and how to use and care for them. We'll cover everything from their eco-friendliness to their durability, and show they are essential for your home.

8 Ways to Join The Plastic Free July Challenge 2022
Let's make small changes each day and join the millions in the world to end the plastic waste in our environment
8 Ways to Join The Plastic Free July Challenge 2022
Let's make small changes each day and join the millions in the world to end the plastic waste in our environment

Is Plastic Recycling A Lie?
In this blog post, we will debunk the myth of plastic recycling. The real solution to plastic waste is to reduce production and consumption. Despite this, the plastics industry continues to promote recycling as an effective solution.
Is Plastic Recycling A Lie?
In this blog post, we will debunk the myth of plastic recycling. The real solution to plastic waste is to reduce production and consumption. Despite this, the plastics industry continues to promote recycling as an effective solution.

Stop Wasting Food: 10 Items That Will Last (Almost) Forever
Did you know that 17% of food produced globally is wasted each year, according to a new report by the United Nation. Of these, 61% are in households. Every Canadian, on average, throws away 170kg of food each year.
Stop Wasting Food: 10 Items That Will Last (Almost) Forever
Did you know that 17% of food produced globally is wasted each year, according to a new report by the United Nation. Of these, 61% are in households. Every Canadian, on average, throws away 170kg of food each year.

Eco New Year Resolution - 5 Zero Waste habits you can keep
Are you making any new year resolution this year? There are 5 zero waste habits that you can start today.
Eco New Year Resolution - 5 Zero Waste habits you can keep
Are you making any new year resolution this year? There are 5 zero waste habits that you can start today.

Eco-Friendly Christmas Trees: A Guide to Choosing the Best Option
Christmas trees can have a negative impact on the environment. Our blog post explores sustainable options and eco-friendly alternatives, such as using books and ladders to create unique Christmas trees.
Eco-Friendly Christmas Trees: A Guide to Choosing the Best Option
Christmas trees can have a negative impact on the environment. Our blog post explores sustainable options and eco-friendly alternatives, such as using books and ladders to create unique Christmas trees.